What Motivates Us As Church Musicians?
“Playing the piano in church, in any context, is not a place to showcase your talents, further your position in the church, or to use it as a platform to express your ideas, opinions or even spiritual insights.”

So what drives us to carry out our role as a church piano player?
How do we think about it? What expectations do we have of ourselves and others? What are the correct motivations we need, and how can we have a perspective on our role that honours God.
These are important aspects to consider.
The fact is, there are times when our motivations may not be so good, and also if we’re not careful, we can develop some unhealthy thinking about our role. When this happens, it can certainly hinder us from being a blessing to our church.
So as we think about our motivation as church musicians, whether that's playing worship piano or something else, here are two important points. Warning: The first one may be very offensive to you, and you may be tempted to stop reading - I hope not, because we must understand this, so here goes…
Hopefully, when you read those words - you said a big 'amen' in your heart. If not, then I’m sorry but it’s the truth.
Playing the piano in church, in any context, is not a place to showcase your talents, further your position in the church, or use it as a platform to express your ideas, opinions, or even spiritual insights.
We are doing what we do, for the glory of God, which is why after reminding ourselves that it’s not about us, the second point we need to understand is this...
As we come together on the Lord’s Day to worship God, we should want it to be all about Him. We should desire to esteem and glorify His name. We should want everyone present to be thinking about Him and have their eyes and hearts fixed upon Him as they express their love, and adoration through praise and worship.
We may need to constantly remind ourselves about this, and it’s important we do as our greatest motivation should be for His name to be praised, not our talent or giftedness to be applauded.
A verse that really states this so well, is found in the first chapter of Colossians, in verse 18, which speaking of Christ, says…
And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent (Colossians 1:18 ESV).
This reminds us that in all things, Christ should take first place. He should be first in our minds and hearts. He should be the one where all the attention is directed.
So, let us allow that to be the motivation of our hearts as we fulfil our role. Then, when we stray from that - remember God is gracious and merciful. We can always come to Him, confessing our sins, and having the assurance that we are forgiven in Christ.
May we each grow more Christ-like in our motivation to serve Christ's church in the area of music.
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This blog post was written by pastor and pianist Kris Baines, from The Church Piano Player. Kris lives in the UK with his family, having recently moved back New Zealand where he worked as a pastor for the past 26 years (also leading worship/worship teams). Kris has also spent over 35 years writing, recording, and performing music and is now bringing all that combined experience together to help equip church piano/keyboard players.
Check out the church piano player website for more information on online courses by Kris Baines.