how to be a church piano player

Using Purposeful Musical Techniques Within Songs

Using Purposeful Musical Techniques Within Songs

Using Purposeful Musical Techniques Within SongsKris Baines
Published on: 06/09/2024

As we lead God's people in worship from the piano, it's vital we always remember our role is primarily supportive. By that, I mean that our ultimate aim is to help not hinder our brothers and sisters as they worship God...

WorshipMusicChurch Piano PlayingImprovisationCongregational Worship
Know Your Place as a Church Musician

Know Your Place as a Church Musician

Know Your Place as a Church MusicianKris Baines
Published on: 22/08/2024

By God's grace, I've had the privilege of being a pastor in three different churches, over a period of twenty-six years. During much of that time, I've also had many opportunities to play, and lead worship from the piano...

Spiritual LifeWorshipChurch Piano PlayingPractical MattersChurch Life
What is Your Goal as a Church Piano Player?

What is Your Goal as a Church Piano Player?

What is Your Goal as a Church Piano Player?Kris Baines
Published on: 19/08/2024

So what are your goals as a church piano player? This will be different for each of us, but there will also be many goals that are common to all church piano players. These would be things like ...

Spiritual LifeWorshipMusicChurch Piano PlayingPractical Matters
You Can Play By Ear!

You Can Play By Ear!

You Can Play By Ear!Kris Baines
Published on: 16/08/2024

The art of playing the piano 'by ear' is often seen as something only the very giifted can do, but is that really true? Granted, there are certain individuals who certainly have a unique and rare talent when it comes to music, but...

WorshipMusicChurch Piano PlayingImprovisation