how to be a church piano player

Using Purposeful Musical Techniques Within Songs

Using Purposeful Musical Techniques Within Songs

Using Purposeful Musical Techniques Within SongsKris Baines
Published on: 06/09/2024

As we lead God's people in worship from the piano, it's vital we always remember our role is primarily supportive. By that, I mean that our ultimate aim is to help not hinder our brothers and sisters as they worship God...

WorshipMusicChurch Piano PlayingImprovisationCongregational Worship
Know Your Place as a Church Musician

Know Your Place as a Church Musician

Know Your Place as a Church MusicianKris Baines
Published on: 22/08/2024

By God's grace, I've had the privilege of being a pastor in three different churches, over a period of twenty-six years. During much of that time, I've also had many opportunities to play, and lead worship from the piano...

Spiritual LifeWorshipChurch Piano PlayingPractical MattersChurch Life